Here’s a subtlety that I only noticed embarrassingly late: Let’s say
we’re doing magnetostatics, and trying to find given a current
density , with some BCs involving . We can write
for some vector potential
(guaranteed by the Helmholtz decomposition). Then the 4th Maxwell
equation becomes
Now we note that if we can find some solution
to this equation that satisfies the BCs, then we could
find another one that has zero divergence
if we just solve
. That latter equation doesn’t even
come with any BCs so it can definitely be satisfied. Thus, we conclude
that if there’s a solution at all to our problem, then there’s a
solution that has zero divergence. Thus we can impose
from the start, which is called Coulomb gauge.
When we make that gauge choice,
eq. becomes .
That’s just a Poisson equation for each component of , so we can
solve it with a Green’s function. If we have all of 3D space as our
domain, and fields die off quickly enough, this gives us
All seems well so far, but we should be careful: it’s absolutely not
trivial or obvious that the result
has zero divergence! Just because we assumed
to derive the Poisson equation from
eq. , does not mean that the resulting Poisson
equation will spit out a solution satisfying .
How can we be sure that in fact we are ok, and are not going to get
inconsistent results?
Well, first off we can calculate the divergence of
directly. Using and to represent derivatives with
respect to components of and respectively, we find
where crucially we’ve used the fact that we’re doing
magnetostatics so . Thus, as long as
decays fast enough as we send the boundary surface off to infinity
(which I think it has to for
to hold), we have . Phew!
Here’s a slicker way to see that we’re ok: take the divergence of both
sides of to find
, where again we’ve used that fact
that in magnetostatics. In the far field we
have a BC that because we’ve assumed the fields
die off at infinity, so one solution to this Laplace equation is just
everywhere …but it’s a Laplace equation so
the uniqueness theorem holds, so this is the only solution satisfying
that BC. Thus, we again find that
is guaranteed to consistently give .
What if we want to make the same argument on a bounded domain? We need
to enforce on the boundary, which will ensure
that the solution to the Poisson equation has
everywhere. Let’s think about a concrete example: a localized current
distribution (e.g. loop of wire) inside a spherical cavity with
superconducting walls. Superconductors have inside (Meissner
effect), and is continuous across any interface, so we have a
first physical boundary condition
at the
walls. Let’s assume there isn’t current flowing into the walls, so at the walls. Using this gives us a
second physical BC: . But
via the same slick argument as before, after imposing
on the boundary, the solution we find will have
zero divergence everywhere, so this second physical BC will be
satisfied automatically. Thus we actually still have some freedom in
choosing the final BC, as long as it’s consistent with everything else.
A natural choice reveals itself by rewriting our first physical BC.
Applying Stokes’s theorem, that BC is the same as requiring
for any loop on the
boundary. This means that for some
, where is the projection of into the
tangent plane at the boundary, and is the 2D gradient
operator on the curved boundary surface (note this is just like an electrostatic field in a curved 2D universe). One neat way
to satisfy this while adding one more BC is to take to be
constant, so , i.e. require to be
perpendicular to the boundary. Thus we have a natural choice of three
scalar BCs: and . These will
ensure that our physical BCs are satisfied, while also making the
solutions to our three scalar Poisson equations fully determined.
The annoying thing is that although those three equations are
uncoupled, the divergence BC couples together all three components of
, so we actually do not straightforwardly have a standard
Poisson equation problem for each component! If we’d chosen BCs
instead, everything would be uncoupled, but that would
be wrong because it means we lose our consistency guarantee that the
solution will have zero divergence. People have thought about this kind
of thing, and actually found complex ways to decouple the problem by
introducing some new fields (first paper below); but the point is that
actually using the Coulomb gauge in a finite domain is tricky, and
one has to be very careful! I think similar things could be said about
other gauges like Lorenz.
For the non-believers, let’s see explicitly that you can get the wrong physical answer if you don’t enforce in a simple example: Suppose we want to find the field produced by a current density that happens to be inside a spherical cavity of radius 1 with superconducting () walls, where . Imagine someone’s evaluated the above expression and given to us as a disgusting mess (which it is)! We want to solve . We proclaim that we’ll use Coulomb gauge, so that we only have to solve . Yay. In our carelessness, we then decide to use BCs on the boundary, feeling good because, via our previous loop-on-the-boundary argument, this BC ensures that on the boundary. Our vector Poisson problem has the unique solution
This has , as you can check. Thus this does not satisfy , so its curl is not the correct field for this physical problem!
For more on this kind of issue, see
Zhu et al. - ‘Finite element solution of vector Poisson equation
with a coupling boundary’, which develops an approach to uncoupling
the annoying finite domain problem by splitting into fields with
different properties.
Jiang et al - ‘The Origin of Spurious Solutions in Computational
Electromagnetics’, which is a deep dive, and makes clear that lots
of people have made real mistakes in this area when doing
Kangro et al. - ‘Divergence boundary conditions for vector
Helmholtz equations with divergence constraints’, which finds that
actually the slick thing of enforcing the gauge condition via a BC
rather than a bulk equation can fail for domains with sharp concave
corners, so that you have to be even more careful apparently!
Mayergoyz et al. - ‘A New Point of View on Mathematical Structure
of Maxwell’s Equations’, which discusses essentially the same
feature of the vector Helmholtz equation for used in
scattering theory.
Dong et al. ‘Meshfree Finite Differences for Vector Poisson and
Pressure Poisson Equations with Electric Boundary Conditions’ has
some discussion of issues in this vein.
Zhu et al. ‘3D vector Poisson-like problem with a triplet of
intrinsic scalar boundary conditions’, which looks at potential
inconsistency of BCs.
Greengard et al - ‘A Consistency Condition for the Vector
Potential in Multiply-Connected Domains’ is in a similar vein.
Snider - ‘Note on the Coulomb gauge condition in magnetostatics’,
which generally hammers home the need to actually make sure your
solution satisfies your gauge condition.